Artillery Grenades
The power of an artillery shell in one grenade.
A very quick mod I made for myself as I got bored and thought that I would subject the CK to my maniacal experiments. Since I draw great joy from watching things burn in a glorious inferno with environmentally friendly bombs, I thought I’d share the love for those who do as well, because your friendly neighborhood escaped mental patient cares.
As the overview states, this is essentially a frag grenade with more boom. More damage (buffed base damage from 1 -> 50, 500+ with max explosive perk), a longer fuse (1.5 -> 5 seconds) and slightly increased throw range (1400 -> 2000) utilizing the explosion effect of the Minutemen artillery.
It’s a separate weapon, not a replacer.
How to acquire:
You can craft it via the Chem Station under Grenades -> Timed at rank 2 of the explosives perk. It requires 1 Artillery Smoke Grenade and 1 Fragmentation Grenade to craft 1 artillery grenade. If you want to get your hands on it really faft without console commands there’s a second option in the crafting menu, wherein you only need 1 Steel to craft 10 grenades, no perk required.
I have no idea why but from time to time, explosions might be upside down so they end up looking a bit flat. Or, you know, partially submerged in water. Oh and this is probably not something you want to use for balanced gameplay, heh. As I mentioned, dumb fun.