Army Helmet Realistic Texture

Fallout 4 Mods |

Army Helmet Realistic Texture

Army Helmet retexture (00023432 item Id)

Added, bullet dents, laser blasts, wear and tear, and some Synth and DeathClaw kills on the sides
I haven’t decided whether or not I want to add a camo texture yet, since there are so many.

I’m thinking of adding the flags of the various factions, idk. What I DO know, is again, I don’t know the software well enough. Yay 4 more hours of videos, oh boy. I feel my blood congealing in my legs just thinking about it.

Any suggestions welcome and alternative remaking of the games assets that look like candy store toy knockoffs instead of realistic clothes/armor/misc.

NEGATIVE comments and feedback extremely important.

Working on changes:
tick marks instead of decals
deformed bullet dents implying non orthogonal hits
better laser/plasma fire burns
better helmet art
camos with depth
[left]Anyone that has a beast of a computer and has a good capture of the helmet, I wouldn’t mind you uploading any images for me to include in the previews.
[/left] Credits:
Panspermia, cause without that, life didn’t start.

Credits: Jeffglobal
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