Armored Coursers

Fallout 4 Mods |

Armored Coursers

Basically I thought that Coursers should be stronger and cooler looking. Easy fix, give them Heavy Combat Armor. Now they can stand toe to toe with paladins and are a bit more rewarding for a player who is against the Institute to hunt and kill. You need a mod that unlocks the armor slots overlapping on wardrobe items for this to work.

This mod only changes the leveled list (0012AFB1) for courser outfits so it should be compatible with everything. EVEN RETEXTURES, this will just share the same appearance as shadowed combat armor after your retexture. It adds several restricted modified versions of leveled lists for combat armor and combat armor mods that are never referenced in game other than the courser loot list and should not influence anything other than the strength and appearance of coursers.

The optional version adds a one in three chance that an institute member using the “LL_InstituteLaserGun_Pistols” leveled list will get a gatling laser firing blue beams instead of their typical pistol. The institute member has to be over level 30, so sometimes very strong synths could have the blue beam gatling laser.

Transferring the dark polymer combat armor mod from courser heavy armor may cause problems and I’m not testing it, it’s working perfectly well as it is. If you find a way to make the dark polymer combat armor transfer to regular combat armor that’s fine

The change to the appearance of the polymer combat armor is on a separate instance of the mod so if you like the white polymer combat armor you can still have that. The dark version only spawns on Coursers.

It has the exact same performance as “Ultra Light Heavy Polymer Combat Armor”.

If anyone would like a version of this mod where Coursers wear a different type or color of armor let me know and I might make it for you, I’m just that nice.

Credits: SirNewbzAlot
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