Armor Prefix Fix

Fallout 4 Mods |

Armor Prefix Fix

If you’re like me, it took you a while to realize that there were more than just the five armor types in this game. Each armor type (Raider, Leather, Metal, Combat, and Synth) actually has three different tiers, Sturdy, Heavy, and “standard.” The problem is that these three tiers were added via armor mods that the player can’t see and the prefix that they would normally attach to the item is cannibalized by any Legendary effect or lining mod (lightweight, pocketed, etc) that may also spawn on the item. As a result, the only way to tell if an item has the Sturdy or Heavy mod is to either A: take all the mods off of it so that the prefix will show up (which obviously won’t work for legendaries since those mods can’t be removed either), B: memorize the different armor ratings of the different tiers, or C: actually equip the item and compare the models.

I thought that was stupid, so I decided to fix it.

What This Mod Does

Most armor pieces in the game have four mod “slots.” The player can only modify two of them: material (e.g. boiled, girded, or studded for leather) and lining (e.g. lightweight, pocketed, or leaded). The other two slots are for legendary effects and what the game identifies as “size,” which is manifested in-game by the standard, Sturdy, and Heavy armor tiers.

Problem is that there’s only two prefix slots that the game attaches to each item. The second one is always for the material mod, but the first prefix is shared by the other three mod slots and operates on a hierarchy: legendary supersedes lining, which supersedes size. As a result, the “Sturdy” and “Heavy” prefixes will never be shown if the armor piece in question has any legendary effect or any lining mod.

This mod fixes that, and makes it so each mod slot will always get its own prefix. As a result item names will tend to be longer, for which I highly recommend downloading just’s no dotdotdot mod, which stops long names from being cut off.

NOTE: This mod will not change the names of items that have already been “generated” in the game, i.e. if you install this mod mid-playthrough all of your items will still have their old names. Forcing them to update is pretty simple: just use a workbench to remove and re-attach any armor mod and it will generate a new item name using the new logic. Items that drop in the world after installing this mod should use the new naming conventions.


This mod actually only modifies one record, dn_CommonArmor in the INNR directory. Mods that change that record will have conflicts. This is likely to include any mod that adds new armor modifications to the game. Mods that make existing modifications craftable (e.g. Legendary Modification or Craftable Armor Size) should be compatible as long as they don’t touch the dn_CommonArmor record.

This mod is compatible with Armorsmith Extended which is an awesome mod you should all use.


Install via Nexus Mod Manager or drag-n-drop the ArmorPrefixFix.esp file into your data folder. Make sure to also fix your .ini files to allow modding as detailed here.

This mod was created with FO4edit (which you should go endorse right now) which is currently in alpha. Install this mod, as with all mods, at your own risk. I am not responsible for any corrupted save games, bricked computers, or total atomic annihilation that may result.

Credits: StupidLemonEater
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

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