Anti-Grav Weapons

Fallout 4 Mods |

Anti-Grav Weapons

Ever get sick of the bigger explosive weapons, or just the harder hitting weapons in the game, arcing like crazy and not going where you aim them?

Ever want to hit an enemy with a Mini Nuke, launched from a New and Better Fat Man, from 200 meters away and you actually aimmed at him not 50 meters above him?

After a few hours of random hex editing trial, error, and compare and contrast, guess who found the hex code that controls gravity on projectiles?… This Guy!

All of these weapons’ projectiles didn’t need no education, and thus have no clue what gravity is (or thought control…)!

I bring to you my ninth weapon related mod “Anti-Grav Weapons”!

AMMO/Mod Info!!!:
As mentioned before these weapons’ projectiles have no clue what gravity is and thus will go on forever until they go out of range and just disappear, if it hits nothing.

This mod includes 7 new weapons, and they are:
Fat Man MkII
Broadsider MkII
Death From Above MkII (Stand out from my “The Weaponening” Mod)
Cryolator MkII (Shoots Mini Snowballs)
Blood Shotgun MkII (From my “The Weaponening” Mod, far easier to aim now)
MR TORGUE SPECIAL MKII (From my “The Weaponening” Mod, Shotgun with extremely forceful explosive power)
Fusion Core Launcher

These guns were modeled after their respective weapons that I made them from (Cryolator, Broadsider, Fat Man, Double-Barreled Shotgun, Combat Shotgun, SubMachinegun, and Railway Rifle) and as such has the same mods available to them.

Only on the Combat Shotgun and SubMachinegun do not put a suppressor on these guns as it will override the projectile and cause it to shoot normally.

All of the Ammo that these guns use is fully craftable, and use simple materials that area easy to find or the respective Ammo form the gun that normally isnt Anti-Grav. (For Example: to make an Anti-Grav Mini Nuke all it requires is a regular in game Mini Nuke.)

To craft or “Cook” the Ammo just head on over to any Chem Station, “ANTI-GRAV AMMO” category appears right at the very top.

I will include the codes to get all these weapons as they are not craftable, the Ammo is craftable, so you cane make that or just use the help command.

The Anti-Grav versions of the projectiles that these guns use are as follows:
Sentry Bot Shoulder Cluster Bomb Indoors
Cryo (not the stream)
Fusion Core Meltdown
Bloodbug Blood Spray
Sentry Bot Shoulder Cluster Bombs (Outdoors)

*****The Fusion Core Launcher’s projectile is so slow moving that it is basically a Matix Gun, and you can run in front of it while it is traveling and hit yourself with it… which greatly amuses me… DON’T JUDGE ME!!*****

I am currently working on figuring out the (probably) series of hex code that controls the speed of projectiles, once I do stuff will be updated, and more fertilizing the landscape with your worthless enemies body parts will be had by all!

***I did override one projectile and one in game modification in order to add a little treat to the Fat Man if you decide to craft it***

The projectile and mod that I overwrote to not have gravity are:
Experimental MIRV

**All of these projectiles have no clue what gravity is and will never make like a parabola and arc.**

***I have stopped making videos of my mods, due to horrid wireless internet and upload speeds, if anyone makes a video of this or other mods of mine PM me and I will happily add it… I do ask that you please endorse it though if you liked it.***

Each one of these weapons will be broken down into its own separate .esp file for anyone that just wants to grab 1 or 2 of these weapons.

***The separate .esp files will include the ability to craft the ammo.***

*This is my eleventh mod for Fallout 4. I still do not know everything, so please go easy on me if I do not know how to fix or understand an issue that randomly comes up.*

*****As long as you do not use this mod for monetary gain, feel free to use this mod however you please, but give me credit, and I would appreciate a PM letting me know what you are tinkering with.*****

****I am now taking feasible gravity related requests as it relates to projectiles in this game, weather you want me to add or get rid of the gravity on a projectile let me know what it is and if you want me to add gravity how much (Compare it to a projectile in the game already: Ex. Make the Plasma projectile sink like a Mini Nuke fired from the Fat Man.). I would like to combine several of your requests (if I get many) into a new mod that I will release later.****

***If you want me to take the gravity off of someone elses mod, I will need their permission first, if you can get that for me ahead of time I would appreciate it and the process will go faster. Tell them to PM me if there is a problem or questions.***

All of these weapons are standalone weapons, and use an .esp file. This file will go into your Fallout4 -> Data folder. If you have a desktop icon right click it and “Open File Location” then drop it into the Data folder. If you just hit “Play” on Steam then go to Program Files -> Steam -> steamapps -> Common -> Fallout4 -> Data.

I guess various mod managers will automagically recognize the .esp and check it off. I do not use one for FO4 and if you do not either then go here: Users -> (Your Computer Name) -> AppData -> Local -> Fallout4 -> plugins.txt. Add the line without quotes “AntiGravWeapons.esp” (or whatever your particular .esp file or files happen to be named if you grab the individual weapons) under the Fallout4.esm in whichever load order you wish, and remember the load order number (Fallout4.esm is load order 0).

To acquire the weapons and ammo in game hit the ` key to bring up the command console.

For the Weapons:
“player.additem XX000804 1” for the Fat Man MkII
“player.additem XX000807 1” for the Broadsider MkII
“player.additem XX00080A 1” for the Death From Above MkII
“player.additem XX000810 1” for the Cryolator MkII
“player.additem XX000813 1” for the Blood Shotgun MkII
“player.additem XX000816 1” for the MR TORGUE SPECIAL MKII
“player.additem XX000819 1” for the Fusion Core Launcher

For the Ammo:
Make it, or use the help command. Or randomly guess, they are pretty easy to guess…

********The XX is a variable and whichever load order the .esp is in enter that number in place of the XX (0 is first, if below 10). The W’s are for the amount of ammo that you want.******** (Ex: If your load order is 13th, then type in without quotes “player.additem 0D000804 1” for the Fat Man MkII.)

Credits/Thank Yous!!!:
Thanks to Bethesda of course for the game.

Thanks to the makers of FO4Edit as well which is a great tool with a very minuscule learning curve also.

Thanks to my tester MR TORGUE aka Derpsdale aka myself.

This mod is brought to you from the sick twisted mind of myself, using FO4Edit, if you wish to use this mod or part of it in another mod please read the disclaimer section above, and give me some credit.

Thank you for your downloads/endorsements (hopefully), more weapons to come…

Enjoy 7 Anti-Grav Weapons and 9 Anti-Grav Projectiles… this is only the begining!! MUAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Also Check Out My Other Mods!!!:
The Nuke Rifle (Now with Multishot Suppressor Mod)
Consolidated Face Melter (Now with Flamer (“Burning Melting Goodness”) and Cryolator (“Toxilator”) weapons also added)
Larva Launcher (Sound Fix now out)
Prime Lasers (Now with Prime Gauss Rifle)
8 in 1 Grenade Launcher
Advanced Junk Jet
Craftable PA Frames and Pieces
Playing God
Anti-Grav Grenades
Improved Nuke Rifle (Comming Very Soon!)

Credits: Derpsdale
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