All Settlement quick start new game

Fallout 4 Mods |

All Settlement quick start new game

This is a fresh new save game file for a quick start without having to spend more time on settlements than the story line itself. Now you’re free to explore and roam and well, whatever your little heart desires without having to stop every 2 minuets to set up a settlement. I left a few alone, like greygarden, the castle, home plate, and spectacle island because they weren’t just quick clear a place out kind of settlements and I didn’t want to rob anyone of taking the time exploring and looting. I may have missed one or two others but for the most part I got em all.

All settlements have one cookie cutter building (see screenshots) and all crafting stations. I did not set supply lines and all map markers have been removed. I wanted this to basically be a completely new game with the exception of the fact you don’t have to worry about settlements. Obviously when you unlock artillery you’ll have to run around to all of them to put it in the settlements.

in order to do this I used mods* that you’ll have to snag to keep it all working. All leveling was a result of building and i left all the perk points so you could assign them. Also you have a fully upgraded x01 power suit and the cryo gun as well as maxed specials and all books and bobbles.

To change looks:
1) Scroll with your mouse wheel to 3rd person view
2) Open console
3) Type “showlooksmenu player 1”
4) Enter to body mode
5) Confirm body and exit
6) Now you see standard view of face-editing


I think that should be all you need, if anything happens like missing walls or ctd or something lemme know cause it’s probably a mod i used that i forgot to list.

Credits: Myself
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