All Camo Uniforms

Fallout 4 Mods |

All Camo Uniforms


1) This mod adds 24 camo patterns as armor mods to vanilla military clothing items and bandanas.

2) This mod adds 168 standalone, craftable clothing items to the game: 7 different vanilla military items in 24 different camo patterns.

The affected vanilla items are:
– Army Fatigues
– Army Helmets
– Bandana
– Dirty Army Fatigues
– Dirty Army Helmets
– Military Cap
– Military Fatigues

The camo patterns are:
– A-TACS AU (Advanced Tactical Concealment System Arid/Urban) / United States Army
– A-TACS FG (Advanced Tactical Concealment System Foliage/Green) / United States Army
– Woodland CADPAT (Canadian Disruptive Pattern) / Canadian Forces
– DBDU (Desert Battle Dress Uniform) / United States Army
– DCU (Desert Camouflage Uniform) / United States Army
– Woodland DPM (Disruptive Pattern Material) / British Forces
– EMR (Edinaya Maskirovochnaya Rascvetka) / Russian Army
– Flecktarnmuster (Flecktarn) / German Army
– M1990 / Hungarian Defence Forces
– M81 Woodland / United States Army
– M/84 / Military of Denmark
– M90 Splinter Temperate Woodland / Swedish Army
– MARPAT Woodland (Marine Pattern) / United States Marine Corps
– MTP (Multi-Terrain Pattern) / British Forces
– MultiCam / United States Army
– NWU (Navy Working Uniform) / United States Navy
– Tigerstripe / United States Army
– UCP (Universal Camouflage Pattern) / United States Army
– US Urban Camouflage / Brazilian Federal Police
– VSR (Schofield) / Russian Army

Addon 01:
– CE Woodland (Camouflage Europe centrale / ‘French Woodland’) / French Army
– DPCU (Disruptive Pattern Camouflage Uniform / Auscam) / Australian Defence Force
– DPDU (Disruptive Pattern Desert Uniform / Desert Auscam) / Australian Defence Force
– MARPAT Desert (Marine Pattern) / United States Marine Corps

The mod is also compatible with CBBE. ShapeData and SliderSets included for both Army and Military Fatigues.
Armor and Weapon Keywords (AWKCR) is required as well to make it compatible with other, for example sorting mods.

– Added FOMOD Installer for optional features.
– Optional: Apparel crafting at the Armorsmith Workbench instead of the Chemistry Station. You still need Schematics and those are still at the Chemistry Station under Utility but all the items are at the Armorsmith Workbench with this option under Headgear and Military Outfits. YOU NEED THE LATEST ARMORSMITH EXTENDED for this option!!
– Optional: Camo patterns can now be crafted as ARMOR MODS for vanilla items!! You still need Schematics and those are still at the Chemistry Station under Utility. YOU NEED THE LATEST ARMORSMITH EXTENDED for this option!!
– Optional: Russian translation by SlayeRFCSM
– Main file is now the FULL version with Add-on 01. If you don’t want the add-on, just download v1.2 or v1.2 patch.
– ACU is now called UCP.
– Changed the name of MARPAT to “MARPAT Woodland”, Desert MARPAT to “MARPAT Desert”.
– Fixed a typo in the name of M90 Schematics.

– The mod now REALLY is compatible with AWKCR as I was stupid enough to upload the wrong version last week.
– Fixed some cliping issues with CBBE body type and Army Fatigues. ShapeData and SliderSets included for both Army and Military Fatigues.
– Added some “more dirty” effects for all 20 base patterns of the Dirty Army Fatigues and Dirty Army Helmets.
– Changed to a better shaded and seamless pattern for M90, Flecktarn, MTP, MultiCam and MARPAT with all textures.
– Changed to a more lifelike saturation and brightness of CADPAT on all textures.
– Changed vertical patterns to horizontal on the Army Fatigues pants with the following patterns: ACU, DBDU, DCU, M81, MARPAT, MTP, MultiCam, NWU, Tigerstripe, Urban and VSR.

– There’s also a Russian translation of the mod thanks to SlayeRFCSM.


Extract the contents of the zip file to your Fallout4/data folder.

Enable AllCamoUniforms.esp using a mod manager or manually.

Ensure these lines appear in either your Fallout4Prefs.ini or Fallout4Custom.ini:

[Archive] bInvalidateOlderFiles=1

If you have trouble installing mods, check these tutorials by Gopher:
– Enabling Mods for FALLOUT 4
– FALLOUT 4: Installing Mods on PC (MANUALLY)


1) Camo patterns as armor mods
There’s an option to unlock all 24 camo patterns as Armor Mods for vanilla items: Army Fatigues, Army Helmet, any kind of Bandanas, Dirty Army Fatigues, Dirty Army Helmet, Military Cap and Military Fatigues.
1. Under the Chemistry Station’s Utility section create the Schematics of one or more of the above camo patterns.
2. The camo patterns as armor mods are available now at the Armor Workbench for the above items and require 4 Cloth, 2 Oil and 2 Adhesive and it also requires you to have Armorer level 4 perk. On the other hand any piece of camo mods adds you +5 Stealth while moving so this way it’s not just a cosmetic change. 😉

Known issues:
– removing the armor mod creates a camo armor mod item in your inventory as it should, but reattaching it without crafting the mod again is not possible at the moment. But I’m working on it…

2) Camo items as standalone outfits
There’s a two step crafting for these items in any Chemistry Station or Armorsmith Workbench as a possible option:
1. Under the Chemistry Station’s Utility section create the Schematics of one or more of the above camo patterns.
2a. Re-entering the Chemistry Station unlocks all the clothing items of a camo pattern for which you have the Schematics in your Inventory.
2b. If you chose to use the Armorsmith Workbench instead of the Chemistry Station then entering the Armorsmith Workbench under “Headgear” and “Military outfits” the Schematics unlock all the clothing items of a camo pattern for which you have the Schematics in your Inventory.

So if you want to clean up the Utility section or the Armorsmith Workbench recipes, all you need to do is drop or store the Schematics anywhere but in your Inventory.

Also if you have time, check out the tutorial videos below that I created for the mod.


– Armorsmith Extended patch
– Adding the standalone outfits to leveled lists making optional overhaul for Gunners, Raiders, BoS, etc (probably on a separate mod page)
– Add-on 02 coming soon: Irish DPM, M/98 Norwegian, MultiCam Black, Chinese Type 99
– Other planned/requested patterns: Kryptek, various WW2, other sub-types of MultiCam
– More camo patterns if many requests point to some specific ones I missed

Credits: CDante
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

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