ALK – Alcohol Overhaul

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ALK – Alcohol Overhaul

(English is not my first language, so expect bad grammar and stuff)
Originally, i made this for myself, but then i I got carried away, and i find myself making new drinks that i never going to use myself, so i decide to publish this mod for everyone! Let’s get drunk everybody! (made in FO4Edit)

About this mod

This mod main aim is to fix all that frustration that you have around alcohol in FO4. Too much weight, too short duration, some buffs and debuffs are too weak, it’s hard to find it in your invenory… I intend to fix all of that without making it OP. Keep in mind, that this is first release and there not much in here right now, but more will come.


First thing that i changed is weight (form 1 to 0.5). Original weight it self is not real problem, but because of short duration you have to carry like 20 bottles of delicious vodka, it simply takes too much space.
It is a temporary fix, im going to do something more interesting in the future updates.

I added prefix “Alcohol” for all alcohol in the game. It is simple as that.

New Alcohol

You can craft new drinks in your cooking station under “BEVERAGE” section.
Keep in mind, that it is not final stats and i’m going to change them in future, after some testing and your feedback.
All stats will be presented in this form: base stat (stat with perk bonus).

1. Bloody Mariya

Requires 1 vodka and 2 tatos.

INT -2 (-4)
STR +2 (+4)
CHAR +1 (+2)
HEALTH +30 (+60)

Bloody Mariya (Bloody Mary) is a “cheap” version of “Dirty Wastlander”. You will love this drink if you are playing with high INT and “Idiot Savant” in same time. I called it Mariya, just because it is Russian version of this recipe (i think so).

2. Bad Idea

Requires 1 vodka and 1 beer.

INT -5 (-10)
AGIL -5 (-10)
STR +3 (+6)
HEALTH +60 (+120)

This one is very cool, but i’m afraid that it can be OP. So, main focus of this drink is to give you strong boost in mele, but make your ability to use guns as low as possible. I need a feedback from someone who use a male build.

3. Flash

Requires 1 vodka, 1 Nuka Cola, 1 Sugar Bombs.

INT -1 (-2)
PER -1 (-2)
AGIL +1 (+2)
CHAR +1 (+2)

2 AGIL for 2 PER, i think it is a fair trade.

4. Screw

Requires 2 vodka.

INT -3 (-6)
CHAR +3 (+6)

This drink will make you dumb like a screw. You will love this drink if you are playing with high INT and “Idiot Savant” in same time. I’m thinking about CHAR boost, i think it is too much, but we will see. I may change it in the future updates.

This is it for now, but more will come, so don’t forget to check this mod out later!

Change log:
–Added “Screw” and “Flash” drinks.
–Fixed “Bad Idea” weight.

Credits: MadRabbitX
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

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