Al Chestbreach Duster Replacer

Fallout 4 Mods |

Al Chestbreach Duster Replacer

Installation. This being my first mod I have no idea how any of this uploading works. Here is my best shot at what to do.

1. Download the file manually

2. Extract the contents and place “Textures” into your “Data” folder in Fallout 4 (I.E. Steam > SteamApps > common > Fallout 4 > Data)

After doing this it should have made the other required folders and paths for you.

3. You’re Done! Now go shoot some hussies in your sweet new tube blanket!

This Mod Requires Modding To Be Enabled, If You Do Not Have It Enabled, [Click Here] To Learn How!

Credits: Spexguy3000 aka BobbyDuggart on NexusMods
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

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