Add Legendary-Armor Keywords

Fallout 4 Mods |

Add Legendary-Armor Keywords

Applying this script in FO4Edit will add the ObjectTypeArmor + ma_Railroad_ClothingArmor to KWDA subsection and ap_Legendary + ap_Railroad_ClothingArmor to APPR subsection of ARMO records.

This allows the armor bench to be used to add ballistic weave to any of the modified pieces as well as legendary effects. If using a mod such as Legendary Modification it also allows you to attach/remove legendary effects.

This is intended for mod authors to easily add the mentioned changes without needing to manually do it. It can however, be used by anyone. Just be smart and don’t redistribute modified files without proper consent.

This requires a manual installation. Extract the .7z archive to get the file “Add Legendary-Armor Keywords.pas”.

Place that file into the FO4Edit sub folder “Edit Scripts”.

example: “C:\Programs\FO4Edit\Edit Scripts”

Afterwards, open FO4Edit and load your plugin. Right click on desired esp and choose “Apply Script”. Select this script from the drop-down box and click OK. After it does its magic review the changes. Then close and save.

Credits: DM
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