A fist full of barrels.

Fallout 4 Mods |

A fist full of barrels.

Adds a .38 receiver to the .44. Two new barrel mods, another grip and a Bowie Blade to the Combat Knife.

The .38 receiver requires ‘gun nut’ level 1, the receiver is based on the vanilla Pipe Revolver .45 to .38 mod, stats etc.
The barrels are both stat based on the Bull barrel, currently neither require perks to mod.

The Hunters Blade for the Combat Knife is basically a Bowie Knife blade. Stats are based on the highest level blade for the combat knife and to be honest is a bit OP if used early levels but then again, it is a big pointy thing that would hurt if jabbed in someone.
I actually found it quite a challenge just using the revolver at low levels because of the fire rate and reloading. Was fun though!

All craftable at the Weapons workbench.

This is the first mod I’ve ever released. It’s working fine in my game, my only issue is the naming of the barrels when they are added to the receiver, it renames the revolver to ‘Bull barrel .44’ unless you’ve already renamed your .44. I’ll edit that when I get a chance.
The Helmet and the outfits will be part of a seperate mod coming soon to a Fallout near you.

Not 100% sure on compatability with mods that edit the .44 or the Combat Knife. My meshes etc are standalone so they should be okay. Just be aware if you’re not sure. I’ll be looking to edit further when the Geck drops.

To add the mod manually unzip the .esp into data folder. Please make sure you have edited the .INIs correctly.

Let me know if you have any issues and I’ll do my best to help where I can.

http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Fallout_4_Mod_Installation for help with Mod Installation and .INI files

Credits: wubilyu koyot
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