TTP’s Propulsion Serum
A new Chem that lets you soar through the sky. Injuries or death may occur.
Can be useful for reaching hard to access locations. Also very entertaining. I only made this a full mod because of how much fun I was having when testing out the effect.
Upon picking up the perk mag you will unlock the ability to craft “Propulsion Serum” at any chemistry station.
Once you drink a dose of the Serum you will have increased movement speed and will ragdoll into the air upon sprinting.
I repeat. You must start sprinting to “fly”.
The effects last only 7 seconds for balance reasons.
The perk mag can be found in the “Switchboard” interior cell (see image).
Unique sounds.
New perk mag.
Hilarious ragdoll.
3 varieties of Propulsion Serum:
Mk1 — Minimal movement speed increase and propulsion — great for clearing fences
Mk2 — Medium movement speed increase and propulsion — great for clearing small buildings
Mk3 — Huge movement speed increase and propulsion — great for clearing large buildings