NEED TESTER – Combat Armor Special Effect
Hi to all the nexus community !
I’m here to ask your help, because i need tester and a lot of feedback in order to make my mod run correctly. That mod is already runing fine for some people, but i need to confirm it.
This is a COMBAT ARMOR Re color, and re textured. It is shiny, black as hell, and you should see a BLUE REFLECT on it (that depend of the light, so move to see it).
It should look like my screenshot, and it is runing fine on my computer
(but i have to reload my mod sometimes to make it work, some people doesn t have to,
that’s why i need tester, and get a max of your feedback). If it is not runing as i want to, the armor will be shiny and black, with NO BLUE REFLECT. Please make a screenshot if you can ^^
Thx a lot for your support, your feedback IS the way to give you more color and effect choices. This resource, is made to be use by ALL the moder community.
Here the sample :