Rebuild Molecular Beam Emitter

Fallout 4 Mods |

Rebuild Molecular Beam Emitter

I love the look of the molecular beam emitter, control console, and relay dish. But after you come back from the Institute, you find that these things you spent so many resources to build are now fried. Searching around on the Internet, I found that many people wanted to be able to repair them too. I know they serve no function beyond decoration now, but what a decoration they are! Unfortunately, the option to repair them is grayed out, and after messing around in the game files and testing everything I could, I believe it’s impossible to actually repair the old ones.

But I found another way: just rebuild new ones. This mod will let you build all four of the components without any quest stage requirements and for just 1 Steel a piece (so basically free). Ideally, you’d install this mod, scrap the old ones, rebuild new ones, and then uninstall this mod.

This mod is meant to be used only temporarily for that singular purpose, not to be kept around. Just rebuild the things and then uninstall this. Or do whatever. It shouldn’t screw up anything to build these all over the place from the start of the game, if that’s your thing. That’s not why I made this, but I don’t care what you do.

Credits: Kevin Fitzgerald
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