8 in 1 Grenade Launcher

Fallout 4 Mods |

8 in 1 Grenade Launcher

Ever want to have a Grenade Launcher in Fallout 4? Ever want that Grenade Launcher to come with 10 unique mods, 8 of which change the ammo the other 2 make it more broken?

Ever want grenades to never weigh anything, because they are ammo? Ever want to rapidly launch 1-36+ Grenades in rapid succession?

A custom modded Grenade Launcher is here!

I bring to you my fifth weapon the 8 in 1 Grenade Launcher!

AMMO/Mod Info!!!:
The Grenade Launhcer requires specialized ammunition depending on the mod that you attach: “Fragnade”, “Doomnade”, “Gasnade”, “Cryonade”, “Plasmanade”, “Pulsenade”, “Beaconade”, or “Molotov (Ammo)”.

This gun was modeled after the Railway Rifle and as such has the same mods available to it, (my custom mods will likely replace the barrel and bayonet) and through testing all of them work.

My 10 Custom Mods for this gun are as follows:
Frag Standard Receiver
Doomnade Receiver
Gasnade Receiver
Cryonade Receiver
Plasmanade Receiver
Pulsenade Receiver
Beaconade Receiver
Molotov Receiver
Magical Barrel (Primary Function: Extends Ammo Capacity)
Bayonet of 9001 Truths (Primary Function: Fires 6 Grenades at once for the cost of 1, works for all 8 receivers.)


*Doomnades: Upon launching several in succession, then screen will turn black even if you don’t look at the explosions for 5-10 seconds then fade back in… they are extremely powerful (Nuka Grenades).*

*Beaconades: They spawn hostile (to you) Gen 1 Synths wherever you fire them, in case you just wanna kill things and don’t wanna enter codes or go looking for things to kill. Or BECAUSE REASONS!!!! (Take your pick.)*

*Gasnades: Don’t do much if any damage, instead they make enemies fight each other.*

*Molotov: If using the Bayonet of 9001 Truths, they do have a tendancy to hit each other in mid air and explode prematurely.*

The projectiles that this gun uses are modeled after their respective Grenade Projectiles.

***The Standard Receiver for this weapon will shoot Railway Spikes. Use one of Custom Receiver mods to convert it into a Grenade Launcher of your pick.***

**All of these projectiles have the same amount of gravity to them as if you threw them.**

The name will be messed up, even upon adding my mods onto it. Something I am both to lazy to look into more and can’t figure out. Luckily you can change the name of this weapon to whatever you wish!

I will include a bat file for easy access to all ammo types and all custom mods for this weapon, but I will also detail them individually below.

*This is my fifth mod for Fallout 4. While I am getting the hang of this at a very improved rate, I still do not know everything, so please go easy on me if I do not know how to fix or understand an issue that randomly comes up.*

*****As long as you do not use this mod for monetary gain, feel free to use this mod however you please.*****

I am also currently working on more unique weapons/ammo/grenades for this game, but I am open to ideas or suggestions (PM me if you have any). My workrate on these mods will be slowed down a bit thanks to Xenoblade Chronicles X.

The Grenade Launcher is a standalone weapon, and uses an .esp file. This file will go into your Fallout4 -> Data folder. If you have a desktop icon right click it and “Open File Location” then drop it into the Data folder. If you just hit “Play” on Steam then go to Program Files -> Steam -> steamapps -> Common -> Fallout4 -> Data.

I guess various mod managers will automagically recognize the .esp and check it off. I do not use one for FO4 and if you do not either then go here: Users -> (Your Computer Name) -> AppData -> Local -> Fallout4 -> plugins.txt. Add the line without quotes “GrenadeLawnchairs.esp” under the Fallout4.esm in whichever load order you wish, and remember the load order number (Fallout4.esm is load order 0).

To install the bat file, simply place it in your main Fallout4 Directory Folder (not the data folder).

To acquire the weapon, ammo, and mods in game hit the ` key to bring up the command console.
For the Weapon:
“player.additem XX00C1C0 1” for the Grenade Launcher

For the Ammo:
“player.additem XX00C2C0 WWWW” for the Fragnades
“player.additem XX00C2C1 WWWW” for the Doomnades
“player.additem XX00C2C2 WWWW” for the Gasnades
“player.additem XX00C2C3 WWWW” for the Cryonades
“player.additem XX00C2C4 WWWW” for the Plasmanades
“player.additem XX00C2C5 WWWW” for the Pulsenades
“player.additem XX00C2C6 WWWW” for the Beaconades
“player.additem XX00C2C7 WWWW” for the Molotov (Ammo)

For the Mods:
“player.additem XX00C4C0 1” for the Frag Standard Receiver
“player.additem XX00C4C1 1” for the Doomnade Receiver
“player.additem XX00C4C2 1” for the Gasnade Receiver
“player.additem XX00C4C3 1” for the Cryonade Receiver
“player.additem XX00C4C4 1” for the Plasmanade Receiver
“player.additem XX00C4C5 1” for the Pulsenade Receiver
“player.additem XX00C4C6 1” for the Beaconade Receiver
“player.additem XX00C4C7 1” for the Molotov Receiver
“player.additem XX00C4C8 1” for the Magical Barrel
“player.additem XX00C4C9 1” for the Bayonet of 9001 Truths

Type “bat nadelawnchair” to get the weapon, 200 of all 8 Ammo, and all 10 Customized Mods.
***(Currently for this bat file to function properly it needs to be 7th in your load order, this is easily fixed to suit your load order though, simply open the file in notepad and replace the first two digits after each “player.additem” with the digits of your load order and it will work.)***

********The XX is a variable and whichever load order the .esp is in enter that number in place of the XX (0 is first, if below 10). The W’s are for the amount of ammo that you want.******** (Ex: If your load order is 14, then type in without quotes “player.additem 14000F47 1” for the Grenade Launcher.)

Credits/Thank Yous!!!:
Thanks to Bethesda of course for the game.

Thanks to the makers of FO4Edit as well which is a great tool with a very minuscule learning curve also.

Thanks also to my tester krustyknuckles.

This mod is brought to you from the sick twisted mind of myself, using FO4Edit, if you wish to use this mod or part of it in another mod please read the disclaimer section above, and give me some credit.

Thank you for your downloads/endorsements (hopefully), more weapons to come…

Enjoy shooting Grenades of all types!!

Also Check Out My Other Mods!!!:
UPDATE: The Nuke Rifle now with Multishot Suppressor Mod
Consolidated Face Melter (Now with Flamer (“Burning Melting Goodness”) and Cryolator (“Toxilator”) weapons also added)
Larva Launcher (Sound Fix now out)
Prime Lasers (Now with Prime Gauss Rifle)

Credits: Derpsdale
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

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