.223 Pistol AKA That Gun by skibadaa

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.223 Pistol AKA That Gun by skibadaa

.223 Pistol AKA “That Gun” by Skibadaa

Who remembers this beauty? A staple in fallout games since 1997; The .223 pistol, AKA “That Gun”, AKA The Hero Blaster, AKA Deckards’ sidearm, AKA the last pistol you will EVER need.

Made exclusively from vanilla assets…. No, no really… Seriously, guys Im not fucking around this time.
Ask me and ill list the exact files I used. All vanilla.

Anyway, this is as close a recreation as I can make with the limited resources available to me.

With custom firing sound, levelled list integration, and a selection of mods including:

8 Recievers!
4 Barrels!
4 Sights/Scopes!
5 Muzzles!
And 2 grips!


v1.2 adds the following mods:

2 sights!
1 Grip!

If you are using “Loads of Ammo – Switchable Ammunition Types” by TheTalkieToaster, and I would sincerely recommend you do, because its fucking GODLIKE, I have included a patch that will make the .223 Pistol able to utilize the ammo switching system.

Get “Loads of Ammo – Switchable Ammunition Types” here:

Hsneak has made a French translation esp, get it here:

For anyone who wants AWKCR compatibility, Valwereth is now the official patch guy, get it here:


1. -Download the main file.

2. -Copy the contents of the zip to your Fallout4 “data” directory, or Install with NMM.

3. -Activate “Skibs223Pistol.esp” in your load order.

-If you are using LOADS then also download and activate “Skibs223Pistol-LOADS.esp”, making sure it is after
“Skibs223Pistol.esp” in your load order.

4. -Load the game.

5. -Smoke some fools.

If you just cant wait to get the gun, here is the console code:

player.additem xx000800 1

Where “xx” is the mod index in your load order.

Known Issues/Possible Conflicts

People have reported that the custom firing sound is sometimes missing. This has been reported on other mods that add
new sound fx, it seems to be a system specific engine issue where the game can get real finicky about the bitrate of the wav files, and flat out refuses to play them.
Replacing the file with a lower quality version seemed to fix this for my other gun mod, so I will be uploading a file with several versions of the sound at varying levels of quality for people who encounter the bug.

This will conflict with other weapon mods that add weapons to the same levelled lists, specifically:


Conflicts in these lists will result in the weapon not spawning on enemies or in shop inventories. This can be remedied by making a merged patch with FO4edit. If you don’t know how to do this, go on to youtube and search for “Gopher”, watch his tutorials.

EDIT: Im making a video tutorial on how to manually make a merged patch for F4. Hoping to have it up by this weekend (20/2/16), so bear with me.

Version History

v1.0 – Original release.

v1.1 – Fixed Ironsights.
– Sped up heavy receiver fire rate.
– Added muzzles to weapon spawn template.

v1.2 – Added 2 new sights and one new grip
– Updated the light/heavy receiver mesh. Looks cooler now.


Big thanks to DemonEnrager for his video showcase!

Big thanks to Mudcups for his video showcase!

Big thanks to Pixelgamer for his video showcase!

Big thanks to BenderSKR for his video showcase!

Big thanks to Sajcon for featuring this in his youtube show!

Valwereth for continuing AWKCR support.

Hsneak for the french translation.

Me, for making this mod.

The Nifskope team, for Nifskope.

The FO4Edit team, for FO4Edit.

Bethesda, for Fallout 4

Shameless Self promotion!

Check out my other F4 mods;

WH-77 Modular LSW:

Credits: skibadaa
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

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